Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The axe commercial was filmed during a soccer game at a park near the airport. The original idea was to have the guy try to hug his girlfriend at the end but she refuses him because he stinks. I didnot have any girls available to play the part that day so I cam up with the ideo of him passing out because of the stench. I edited the commercial using avid express pro.

Axe Commercial


I changed my original idea for the Oreo commercial because no actors were available. The commercial was created using adobe after effects with images that were altered on Adobe photoshop.The idea to the commercial is that Oreos are used for many different things around the world and not just for eating. It shows the worlds love for "the oreo".

Oreo Commercial

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oreo Commercial

My idea for the Oreo commercial is to make a scene where two guys are doing competitions to win the last Oreo cookie. They leave the cookie on a table while they do the competitions. Accidents happen to them during the competitions. At the end someone else that was not in the contest takes the cookie.

Marketing the videos

This week I posted comments to other peoples videos to lead them to my videos. I also posted more comments about them on craigslist.